Thursday 24 April 2008

Jolie: Iraqi children need help

Jolie: Iraqi children need help

Angelina Jolie has called for the education of Iraqi children to be given more attention and funding.
Speaking during a discussion on their plight at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington on Wednesday, the actress and campaigner said: "It is a fact that the best way to heal children in conflict and their trauma is to focus their minds on their future. This population we're talking about is the future of Iraq.
"So to reach them now, to help deal with their trauma and refocus their minds on a possible future should absolutely be one of our top priorities."
"Every child has a right to education and conflict is not a reason to ignore that. We need these kids to rebuild their country, to stabilize their country and, eventually, to lead their country," she told the audience, which included the commander of the US forces in Iraq, General John Petraeus.